The untold story of Snapchat what make millionaires and a Ghost that Haunts Mark Zuckerberg Nine and ten

 Snapchat: The Ghost That Haunts Zuckerberg. Part Nine

People Are Becoming Millionaires From Snapchat. how?

A person was having dinner with his girlfriend one night and took a quick video he posted it on Snapchat and didn't think much of it two weeks later that video had earned him $ 94 000. Welcome to the bizarre and troubling world of Snapchat spotlight. .snapchat is giving away millions and millions of dollars to creators for posting simple videos under 60 seconds long. a lot of people aren't even aware of this opportunity and even fewer people have realized a huge problem.

Snapchat is used to being copied Snapchat's story feature has been replicated by just about every social media competitor Instagram Facebook Messenger even youtube all decided to launch essentially the same thing.

However, now it's Snapchat's turn to do a little copying of their own which is why near the end of 2020 they launched Spotlight a feed of videos under 60 seconds long that's more than a little similar to tick tok. but since Instagram did the same thing with reels youtube has done the same thing with shorts how is Snapchat possibly gonna compete simply give away a million dollars a day.

Snapchat: The Ghost That Haunts Zuckerberg.


For Snapchat all or nothing.

with youtube, the amount a creator earns from a video is determined by how much ad revenue it generates but with Snapchat's new spotlight feature they did things differently.

Firstly since the money comes from Snapchat and not advertisers all videos are treated equally. A video of someone dancing at home can earn just as much per view as a video about investing but the really major difference with Snapchat is that instead of paying creators proportionally for the number of views their video gets there is a daily prize fund and the videos that get the most views per day split that daily prize between them so it's kind of an all or nothing situation.

if your video gets less than about a hundred thousand views you won't see a penny but if it does get several hundred thousand views you're likely going to be getting a lump sum payment of thousands and thousands of dollars. and this may be why you haven't heard a lot about Snapchat Spotlight people want to keep it a secret the more creators posting videos the more competition and the less chance of being one of the top videos of the day in the early stages when even fewer people knew about it there are exports of users earning over a hundred thousand dollars for a post think about that for a second that's more than the average teacher earns in over two years or from a single video that was just a few seconds long but here's the even crazier part Snapchat's algorithm is kind of similar to tick-tock in the sense that a random video can blow up even if you have zero followers on your very first day you could have a viral snap and then thousands however you saw the title of this blog before you excitedly start spamming new videos on spotlight we need to talk.

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