The untold story of Snapchat what make millionaires and a Ghost that Haunts Mark Zuckerberg eleven

Snapchat: The Ghost That Haunts Zuckerberg. Part Eleven

The stolen content on Snapchat.

A quick search of the Snapchat-related sub Reddit will reveal many questions like this “Do people make money reposting other people's tick tocks”.

The answers are some of them do my mate as I don't even see original content anymore just tick tocks and in some cases, people have openly admitted it I got paid from stolen content just make sure the watermark is removed and it was maybe you think it's just one or two people who've slipped through the cracks I don't think so the deeper I dug into this I kept finding more and more and this is just the ones who publicly admit it online.

I imagine the vast majority of people don't publicly admit to it the thing is it seems to be largely teenagers doing this who in many cases genuinely don't seem to have any idea about copyright laws like one saying.

I have made 20k from doing this but it's mad immoral of course the correct term here is illegal people are earning thousands from simply re-uploading other people's content and if it goes viral they're making way more money than the original content creator will have made it's entirely possible that the original tick tock earned the creator zero dollars and yet the person who reposted it on Snapchat will have made several thousand dollars at least.

some even say they've earned 58k and 34k from reposting other people's videos now Snapchat's terms do state only post original content and it will remove infringing material reported to us by rights holders and I am sure that's true.

but the only way someone would know if their work is being used without permission is if they happen to stumble across it in their Snapchat feed which in a sea of millions of videos is very unlikely especially since a lot of creators aren't even on Snapchat it's not even like there's a link to the videos so it's incredibly hard to track. if you're a creator yourself someone may have made money from reposting your videos and you have no way of knowing.

No changes should earn them more money than the original content creator hardly anyone seems to be talking about this yet. But I did find a small group on a legal subreddit voicing these concerns and they guessed that more than half of the people being paid are stealing videos they said Snapchat has done absolutely nothing to help prevent content thefts and is almost encouraging it by their lack of support.

The sad part is that 99.9 of these people will get away with it with tens of millions of dollars in their pockets. Now I always assume Snapchat's big legal trouble would be when explicit underage pictures were found on their servers because let's be honest I'm sure the Snapchat servers are filled with nudes and Snapchat's largest demographic is under 20.

But I do feel that a spotlight becomes even more popular Snapchat is gonna encounter some issues with this video problem unless they offer creators some kind of content matching system like youtube has where you can detect monetize or delete stolen videos of yours because right now it really is a wild west out there on Snapchat spotlights so I really don't want anyone to be negatively impacted by this Blog, in fact, I hope it helps some people by making them aware of the risks and honestly it's a small risk getting paid for stolen content is unlikely to lead to any kind of lawsuit or anything but it could and I do think from Snapchat's point of view.

if you have an app used largely by those under 18 and then you tell them you can earn thousands of dollars for a video you've surely got to be prepared for vast amounts of stolen videos to be re-uploaded. but again I get it it's a really difficult thing to manage and I am sure over time they will do a better job of policing it so what's the point of this blog.

At first, I thought it was going to be to tell you all about this opportunity with Snapchat and present a new way anyone can make money from home by creating original videos on Spotlight or reposting your own youtube shorts and tick tocks and I still think you can do that but then when I realized some people were getting paid from stolen content including many under 18. I thought this Blog was going to be an investigation into the potential ramifications for everyone involved and I still think we haven't heard the last of this stolen content issue.

However secondly and finally I realized my real concerns aren't just about Snapchat because this whole thing actually reveals another issue that I think is even more worrying you would like to make stories up ultimately the content you just try and make something that's as viral as possible.

Click here to read Snapchat and the future of content.
