The story of Mexico Why Mexico is poor. part one


in 1821 Mexico gained independence from Spain after fighting against them for more than 300 years

in 1821 Mexico gained independence from Spain after fighting against them for more than 300 years.

But becoming a successful independent country turned out to be a whole lot more complicated than anyone in Mexico. Expected right off the bat no one could decide who should lead the country or how which led to a whole lot of fighting and a very unstable government, and then to make matters worse Spain came right back and tried to take over Mexico again.

And when Spain didn't succeed France also tried their luck it seemed like Mexico just couldn't catch a break no matter how hard they tried right until seemingly out of nowhere America Mexico’s big bad neighbor to the north stepped in and laid down the rules.

you see America had originally been settled by Europeans looking to escape their oppressive governments and they didn't exactly like the idea of some European country like Spain or France taking over the North American continent.

They really didn't want to have worked so hard to get away from Europe’s rules just to be surrounded by their  colonies again. It would be like living in Europe all over again.

So in 1823 president James Monroe decided to make a statement and put them in their place he told Europe that now that America is a rich and powerful nation, they wouldn't get involved in Europe’s affairs as long as Europe would agree not to create any new colonies in the western hemisphere or try to interfere with any of their politics.

 it was a classic you stay out of my business and I’ll stay out of yours arrangement and it became known as the Monroe doctrine.

Americans were pretty proud of the Monroe doctrine and what it stood for it meant they had finally made it onto the global stage. America could tell Europe what to do and they would just have to listen, but it also put America in a tricky position.

Americans were pretty proud of the Monroe doctrine and what it stood for it meant they had finally made it onto the global stage. America could tell Europe what to do and they would just have to listen, but it also put America in a tricky position.

You see just like their European ancestors Americans really liked the idea of conquering all of north and maybe even south America,  but now with the Monroe doctrine basically saying hands off the west. They would look like pretty big hypocrites if they tried taking anyone else's land.

James Polk President of America and manifest destiny.

In 1845 James Polk became president of America and he had some pretty clever ideas on how to get around the pesky Monroe doctrine.

In 1845 James Polk became president of America and he had some pretty clever ideas on how to get around the pesky Monroe doctrine. President James Polk was a firm believer in manifest destiny the idea that white Americans were destined to take control of all of North America and the only thing standing in their way was the Monroe doctrine.

If they wanted to conquer north America while still looking like they respect the doctrine they would have to do it in a way that looked nothing like what Europe used to do. They couldn't just invade kill a bunch of people and claim the land as their own they would have to use subtler tactics that looked less like conquering and a little more like making a friendly arrangement.

So in 1845 president Polk sent a representative to Mexico to ask if America could buy Alta California the ex-Mexican state we know as California today. Alta California was believed to be rich in gold and if president poke could get his hands on some of it America would have all the money it needed to buy up as much of its neighbor's land as possible. So president Polk offered the new Mexican government 30 million dollars for the state or around 1.2 billion in today's money.

Mexico was furious they couldn't believe America dared to offer to buy a massive chunk of their land for just 30 million dollars. Did they really think they were that hard up? They were so angry.

The Mexican government even refused to meet with President Polk’s representative, and he was sent packing back to Washington. So Polk’s first plan had failed but luckily he had a few more tricks up his sleeve.

Click here to read Part 2 for Capturing of Tejas or Taxes.
