The story of Mexico Why Mexico is poor. part two

 Capturing of Tejas or Texas.

in 1820 the newly independent Mexico quickly realized it was going to need a lot of help turning its economy around and making a success of itself. And one of the ways it tried to do it was by inviting Americans to farm on Mexican l

in 1820 the newly independent Mexico quickly realized it was going to need a lot of help turning its economy around and making a success of itself. And one of the ways it tried to do it was by inviting Americans to farm on Mexican land as the years went by more and more American families moved to the Mexican state of Tejas and set up farms and towns wherever they went by.

1829 the Americans in Tejas actually outnumbered the native Mexicans and that's where the trouble started you see all the Americans in Tejas didn't really like the idea of living under a Mexican government. Mexico had also just abolished slavery which was really bad news for all the American farmers, who used slaves to work their land.

So the Americans wanted out they wanted to join America where slavery was still totally legal and no one would stand in the way of them and their farming profits. But leaving Mexico wasn't going to be as easy as just switching sides because if they felt like it they would have to be smart about it.

So they went to war with more money and more guns than the poorly trained and equipped Mexicans it was a piece of cake. And in 1836 Tejas became the independent republic of Texas a country with its own government and its own rules the only problem with all of this was Mexico knew most Texans wanted to become part of America and if they did Mexico would never have the chance to take back their land ever again.

So Mexico made it clear annexing Texas or trying to make it an official part of America would be an act of war and that was all president Polk needed to start the war that would cost Mexico half of its land.

False flags and the loss of 11 American soldiers.

False flags and the loss of 11 American soldiers.

For almost 10 years Texans tried to get America to take them in as a member state at first most of the more liberal states disagreed they didn't want another conservative pro-slavery state to join the union and shift the balance of power between the north and south right until president Polk took power he didn't care if Texas was pro-slavery or not all he cared about was expanding.

America’s borders so in 1845 under Polk’s encouragement congress finally voted to offer to annex the republic. Basically, America was offering to officially make Texas a state of America.

in preparation for what he knew was coming president Polk ordered American troops to camp along the American-Texan border to stop Mexico from interfering once Texas accepted their offer. And in December 1845 Texas officially became America’s 28th state American troops entered their new territory.

And as expected Mexico prepared itself for war. On president Polk's orders, American soldiers moved closer and closer to Texas’s border. With Mexico they made it look like America was about to invade Mexico. To keep the upper hand Mexican troops attacked first killing 11 American soldiers little did they know that by doing so they had just played right into president Polk’s hands.

Click here to read thefinal part of the Mexican and American war and the gold rush age.
