How Western media and Propaganda Destroyed Libya and Got Away with it final part

The old master Gaddafi was captured and assassination.


The old master Gaddafi was captured and assassination.

It was for this reason that the air bombings of the joint military intervention from Qatar France and the British royal air force crushed Gaddafi's naval and air defenses resulting in the collapse of key strongholds for the regime such as Tripoli and Certi cities in which Gadhafi on the run had been hiding for some time surrounded by the rebels. In October Gaddafi tried to escape through the desert but military drones sent by

the Obama administration intercepted this convoy. The rest of the story is history a story of a rather bloody and well-known Gadhafi who was captured by the rebels knee capped raped with a wooden stick and executed with a gunshot to the head.

All this was recorded and stored on video. Only at that point, NATO stopped operating and abandoning Labia to its destiny. But once the old master Gaddafi was dead the race for Libyan resources had just begun US sources stressed to the various departments the importance of

not allowing countries such as Turkey or Italy to invade the field designated for US, France, and Qatar.

The death of Gaddafi aroused mixed reactions in Libya. Some rejoiced those who were still attached to the memory of the old leader, and those who knew that the future crisis would make the old regime be regretted what resulted from the fall of Gaddafi was Dictated.

The historical dualism that separated Tsrinika and Tripolitania a polarization that led to a de facto separation in the two of Libya with the rise of Islamic groups and small local gangs around 300 of them and with a breakup of the old alliances between the various tribes in the southern part of the country.


The aftermath of old master Gaddafi's death.


Libya turned into anarchy where no one was actually in power anymore and where everyone had their own interests history teaches us that Libya has been torn by two civil wars.

The first ended with the death of Gaddafi in October 2011 and the second began in 2014 and is still ongoing the truth is that the war has never ended it always went on and from the Arab spring. Libya moved to the Arab winter on one hand there were the national forces loyal to the general who had settled down in Cyronaica in Tobruk. He soon stood out as the strong man in charge with the claim that the general national congress mandate expired after was backed and financed by the united Arab emirates, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, France, Syria, and Russia. On the other hand, there was a whole series of various forces in Tripolitania under the umbrella of the government of national accord whose ex-prime minister al-Saraj was accused by Haftar of terrorism in 2012 this side was supported by Turkey.

The US and the European Union basically al-Saraj blamed for his purpose to bring back a Gadhafi-style regime a long stalemate to control the main oil deposit followed the first phase of the war. Until 2012 when peace talks began with the commitment to stabilize the country obviously terrorist organizations such as ISIS and al Qaeda entered.

This didn't make it any easier to solve the conflict with the demise of Gaddafi organized crime has taken even greater advantage of weapon trafficking and migratory flows from Sub-saharan Africa to Europe. Creating a very profitable business before the revolution Libya boasted Africa's largest oil reserves. Oil which once accounted for 96 of the country's income is now just a memory from a peak of at least 1.5 million barrels a day before the war Libya is now lucky if it can export a quarter of that today.

Libya is in a very serious state personally I can only hope for the best for a nation that geopolitically is fundamental for the stability not only for north Africa but also for Europe the old Libyan motto used to be freedom and unity well let's hope again that it will become so again as soon as possible.

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