How Western media and Propaganda Destroyed Libya and Got Away with it. Part one

 The history of  Arab spring February 2011.


The history of Arab spring

In February 2011 Libya changed for the wars other Arab countries such as Tunisia Egypt and Yemen in the previous months had experienced political turmoil. Western media quickly labeled these uprisings as the Arab spring they took for granted that it was a sort of revolution against repression and dictatorships. 

I suppose a better name would be the Arab autumn anyway the trigger of the riots began in Tunisia with the suicide of a poor street vendor who set himself on fire because he couldn't stand the constant harassment by the local police in Cairo.

instead, the protests in Tahrir square against the Mubarak government came from the youngest who blamed corruption and unemployment.

The vast majority of people had three simple demands social justice work and the possibility of living a

normal life in Libya the situation was initially the same. But the reasons that led to the civil war were quite different.


The Father of Libya (Muhammad Gaddafi) and his unwritten agreement with Europe.


In 2011 Libya had a very distinct political situation from Tunisia and Egypt although ruled by an authoritarian and highly questionable leader Muhammad  Gaddafi.

Libya's mold population of only six million people enjoyed a decent standard of living better than one might have thought even better than Yemen or Lebanon.

The oil and gas industry had absorbed most of the skilled workforce and people allowing the nation to enjoy most of the profits how was it possible simple with a strong control by Gaddafi keeping tight control on political and economic issues through a system of loyalty built over the years with alliances nepotism and money. Muhammad Gaddafi managed to maintain power for an extraordinarily long time from 1969.

In that year Gaddafi or as he was called the Raeice proclaimed the beginning of the Arab republic of Libya after surviving several attacks by us in the 80. Gaddafi gradually normalized his relationship with the west by early 2000. He was seen as a tough head of state some European leaders even tolerated him with an unwritten pact you don't give us any trouble with migrants and we'll just leave you alone.

So at that time in Libya there weren't significant riots and the popular descent was limited to some extremist elements anyway the Tunisian and Egyptian revolts had convinced one of the Arab gulf countries.


Who overthrow the Gadhafi power.


Qatar that was possible to overthrow Gadhafi's power from the outside by relying on the help of moderate Islamic forces in Libya. The emirate of Qatar presented itself to the world as a country in favor of the fall of the north African dictatorships so to gain an area of influence in the region. The reason was pretty simple to stand out and prevail against its enemies Saudi Arabia.

While Saudi Arabia was traditionally protecting radical and ultra-conservative Islamic forces such as the Wahhabis and Salafists doa supported and financed more moderate and actively committed Islamic fundamentalist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt a fringe group that Saudi Arabia or the united Arab emirates had always considered an existential threat.

February 16 and 17 aka the days of wrath as they were called were completely unexpected, especially in the eyes of many analysts who knew that Libya was one of the most stable states in the region. Even Gaddafi was taken by surprise and reacted with confusion. Everything started in the east in Vinayaka in the city of Benghazi. It was very clear that the events that were happening in the east of Cyrenaica were something different from a simple revolt and much more complex than a simple local insurrection.

This was proven by facts such as the coordinated actions and the large availability of weapons that circulated things that clearly demonstrated the presence of a plan at the base of everything we shouldn't underestimate. the quick reactions of some European governments in particular

the French and British who instantly supported the rebels more specifically. Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy had been convinced by his personal advisor and friend Bernard levy, that in Libya with the rise of the so-called Arab spring, there was a window of opportunity to overthrow Gaddafi as well as an opportunity that could have offered the French access to a very rich market for both the energy and military sectors.

Click here to read part 2
