How Western media and Propaganda Destroyed Libya and Got Away with it part two

 Who do you believe a dictator's words or your own eyes and ears?

Gaddafi had unleashed a massacre to maintain his power and privileges.

 On TV newspapers and radio, a narrative began to spread around the Libyan crisis based on the logic that Gaddafi's regime was repressing in blood a peaceful and popular revolt. This narrative began spreading from Qatar which broadcasted images of violence destruction anger and death systematically to the point of convincing European public opinion that Gaddafi had unleashed a massacre to maintain his power and privileges. The Qatari news described how the Libyan air force indiscriminately bombed the urban eras of sirenic creating thousands of victims among

Civilians, beyond this the media spoke of mercenaries under Gadhafi’s payroll who were stuffed with viagra and were guilty of raids and rapes against the population something that actually wasn't proven at all.

So after reading this article may be tonight ask yourself this who do you believe a dictator's words or your own eyes and ears.

Ironically however most Libyans refrained from participating in the uprisings. They basically feared reprisal from the regime for their passiveness

allowed Gaddafi's troops to recapture most of the country in a few weeks and move quickly toward Benghazi to crush the rebellion once and for all.

Faced with an almost certain defeat the rebels of Sinaika requested the military intervention of the west on the march of the same year a

Hesitant NATO as well as even more reluctant united states were involved in a brief. But significant mission operation odyssey dawned the

The Libyan air force was wiped out and Gadhafi forces were stopped before entering Benghazi.

According to unofficial sources, there would have been an agreement between NATO the united Arab emirates, and Qatar before starting the raid an agreement signed only one day before Qatar acknowledged the official nature of the cnt there is a national council of transition against Gaddafi.

According to sam UAE's involvement in Libya for example would allow Abu Dhabi to deepen its strategic relations with France others said that Qatar was prone to agree. Because it could benefit from exclusive access to some of the Libyan oil reserves they would trade it on behalf of the new Libyan government. That would have risen after Gaddafi but Qatar was hardly the only voice in the oil business already in April 2011

French companies expressed their willingness to settle in the country as revealed by the state department.


Emails of Hillary Clinton US secretary of the United States.


In 2016 some emails were found in the servers of Hillary Clinton

In 2016 some emails were found in the servers of Hillary Clinton the US secretary of the United States, at that time open supporter of the uprisings referred to alleged French humanitarian flights to Libya to which groups of executives from two major. French companies Total and Dinsi actually traveled as stated by a close Clinton advisor in one of these emails. French intelligence agents had described Sarkozy’s interest in Libya as being based on the desire to obtain a greater share of oil production

Gaddafi didn't behave well against westerners. Gaddafi first reacted by interrupting any collaboration with western oil companies in Libya to protect his fields which resulted in a 30 increase in the price of natural gas. This of course deeply worried the main nature powers first and foremost France Great Britain and the US.

On the other hand as officially stated by Alan just the French foreign minister at that time it was right and logical that French companies could defend their position and benefit from the war in Libya.

According to the French newspaper liberation speculation about the real motivations for the French intervention was based on a letter that rebel forces had sent to Sarkozy in April 2011. The rebels offered France 35 of Libya's oil and gas in exchange for French support for the insurgency. As we can well imagine that was a way not only for France but also for other European powers to reduce their dependence on Russian gas imports.

In the email unclassified number 2014, 2043.9 called the French client and Gaddafi's gold sent in April 2011 by a close Clinton aide Sydney Blumenthal the main motivation for the French attack was endorsed by the white house and was totally hidden from other allies such as Italy or Germany.

According to the report France had attacked Libya because Gadhafi’s short-term intention was to replace the African franc with the CFA in the

French African territories with a new local currency. The email in short term was that Gaddafi's large reserves of gold and silver estimated to be 143 tons were a real danger to the survival of the CFA, franc itself a new currency could have given the countries of francophone Africa an alternative with which to achieve economic independence from France.

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